Other Ministries

Music Department

The music ministry of LTC exists to create an atmosphere in which both the church body and guests alike are brought into an intimate encounter with the presence of Jesus Christ. They are more than just singers and musicians; they are leaders in worship and minister through diverse mediums of music, sound and drama. They have the privilege of ushering the presence of God into each service, preparing the hearts for the Word and setting the tone for lives to be changed.

Home Bible Studies

One hour Bible studies are available upon request. We offer individual or group bible studies that can be held at your home or here at the church facilities. Find out what the Bible promises and the plans God has for you. The answers are in the Bible.

Care Team

Led by Sis. Linda Mack. This is a ministry within the church for our church members who need a helping hand or some encouragement.


A ministry led by Sis Linda Wood. She is dedicated to providing a support system for women aged 30 and older who are single, divorced, or widowed. The Ladies In Faith Together (LIFT) group meets to bring these women together to build friendships that will encourage and lift each other up.

Bible Club

A division of the SS Department which is led by Sis Amy Coto. This ministry is for girls and boys ages 7-18. The purpose of this ministry is to encourage fellowship, provide a safe place for group discussion for those who may have questions about the Bible, and to allow students to share their faith and deepen their knowledge of the Bible.

Beautifully Rooted

A division of the SS Department which is led by Sis Amy Coto. It is a ministry designed for girls ages 7-18 to encourage them to become all that God has called them to be and to know their value in His Kingdom. They are taught how to deal with the challenges of today through Bible based teachings and shown that their attributes, behaviors and actions matter to God.

Grounded In Truth

A division of the SS Department which is led by Sis Amy Coto. This ministry is designed for boys ages 7-18 to help them thrive in todays tough world by helping them to be grounded in the truth of Gods Word. They are discipled by part of the Men's Ministry department and taught that they are valued and have a purpose in God's Kingdom.


This ministry is led by Bro. Jacob and Sis. Darlene Smith and Bro. Matt and Sis. Elizabeth Mahuron. "Connect" is a ministry that equips, strengthens and supports engaged and married couples by teaching Godly principles and biblical precepts that they can apply to todays challenges. God's intentions for marital relationships are to mirror Christ's relationship with the church.

For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. Ephesians 5:31

From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. Ephesians 4:16